About the Course
The MedLead™ Emerging Leadership program prepares and develops healthcare professionals for leaderships roles within their organizations. Student Leaders will be equipped with the foundations for sustainable growth and trained in technical skills essential for a leader in the healthcare industry.
The 12-week training covers the following categories of topics:
Character-Based Leadership
Self-Leadership & Awareness
Empathic Team Leadership
Problem Solving
Culture Building
Change Management
Strategic Thinking
Persuasion & Influence
Safety & Security
Quality Control
Project Management
Financial Intelligence
Customer Service
Technological Intelligence
Trade Tools & Practice
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
The learning experience is cohort-based and interactive. Workshops, group discussion, group-problem solving, scenarios, case studies, and professional coaching are the primary teaching tools in the program. Ideal candidates for the program are healthcare professionals with promise and potential to perform well in an leadership role.
Dates and Times